Monday, December 16, 2013


That mid-night breeze wafts
The memoirs
That she had lost…

She silently dreams about 
The childhood lane
Where still hangs her laughter!

Of toys and fights, she
Cared for,
Tears meanders from her eyes…

She can behold the stars, still
That she saw then
Under the same sky…

Every sunrise brought
The beauty of being together…
The cups of bliss to sip on…

The lace of apron to hold
And run, wearing the heels…
“Catch me, mom!”

Life was different!

Alas…this dawn
She finds no one by her side…
To smile at…

Contentment, hence, belated…

Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel "Hridayaninadini"
To my mom

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Of illusions and deceits...

She ponders…
Of illusion and deceits,
She holds that tiny bud,
And smells,
She know it’s not her,
For it shall bloom one day
And perish…

She hushes…
A moon in the sky,
And she;
Moon may delude-
To possess the stars!
And the stars shall never bother
For the possession of delusion
Shall perish, someday!

She comprehends…
Nothing was her,
And nothing it will be…
It’s just a game of this nature;
She played
That she got lost 
In the hope of being found 
And never got noticed…

She observes…
A child;
A child detaches
Even after a long play-
She never learnt
To be the one;
For she knew to whom
She is attached
Shall bid a bye, someday!

Still she tried to cherish…
The moment that was never
And happily accepted
The part of being hurt!
And concealed the wound
That shall never heal…

She cried with no tears
When the last moment,
That she enjoyed in,
Departed from her
And she was left with nothing
But just the dead-memories…

It was just hide-and-seek,
Life played with her…
Where she hides in the shadow, now!
And never wished to be found…

Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel "Hridayaninadini"
To the blankness of my mind