Thursday, December 24, 2015

As the yesteryear wraps itself up…

As the yesteryear wraps itself up-
I walk…
The same lane…
I was on…
Watching each year passing by…
Smiles waving at me…
And grieves clutching my lace…
I saw them all…
An autumn of loneliness…
Clouds of challenges hit my face…
The spring that left me awestruck…
And the winter of love…
I saw them all…
When it rained- of tears…
And drenched me, full…
Apologies begged their pardon…
And sympathy ruled!
I saw them all…
When my mom passed by me…
I held her hand…
As soft as the fur,
She kissed and went her way…
And this farewell,
Mockingly laughed at me…
That silence- hushed at me…
And the pain engraved that pain…
It bleeds of roses…
I saw them all…
Like this moon-
A lone-watcher!
An owl of my night!
A lost wanderer
…I am…
Things went passing by-
Some amused me-
And some made me cry!
Yes, I remember them all-
As I walked tall-
Against all,
That made me fall!
Yes, I saw them all…
And I still walk…
The same lane…
I was on…
With this mild smile…
As my shadow…
Wags its tail…
As the yesteryear wraps itself up…

-Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel "Hridayaninadini"