Monday, May 14, 2018

Seized in the freedom!

What it feels like- if you are set free-
Yet caught in the freedom?

A sharp knife hanging at your throat!
Between you and the world-
You find yourself ployed!

Avouched to breathe!
All, except the air!
Your blood turns blue-
Yet you are not allowed to yell!

You are told to share what yearned-
Your heart!
At the cost of your life!

The manacles cut!
And a cage bought!
Set you free- to fly high,
While your wings bleed!
Gathering your chopped feathers!
They will dust off the crown!

You scream with no voice!
The ears plugged!
Thousands of clapping hands!
Wave at you!

Still- you want that freedom?

Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel "Hridayaninadini"
Art work: 
Gilded Cage Painting by Sara Riches