Sunday, December 15, 2019

The disputed border

"One find day,
You woke up and realize.
A small piece of you goes missing.

When that small piece of you is lost,
you certainly feel the pain...
For they are hard to notice,
And yet most painful.

When Lord Rama gets justice,
And Goddess Sita betrayed,
A silent map...
Goes unnoticed!

Over the millionth of disputes...
The land of kindness

In the end...

A tiny star.
A toppled leaf.
A lost Firefly.
A bird inside a cage.
Asked 'Who am I?'

The inner voice answered:
'Certainly not, who you think you are!
And neither what context you are in...!
You are much more!'

Upon harking themselves.
And it twinkled.
And it swam over a stream.
And it blinked brighter in the wood.
And it chirped sweet.

In the end, it is you!
Who can inspire yourself!


"...and she thinks twice,
Before riding an empty bus,
Before travelling alone,
Before meeting her uncles,
Before trusting someone...
She could have trusted!

Who says it's feminism...
If she says teach a man!
Teach a man who a woman is!
Teach a man, that she feels uncomfortable-
If you stare at her!
If you touch her inappropriately!
If you disregard her talent!
If you take her decision lightly!
If you ignore her existence!
And if you steal her freedom!

No, it is not okay!
When you ask her not to go alone!
Not to wear what exposes her freedom!
Not to drink to quench her thirst!
Not to achieve what she strived for!
Not to go out in the dark, to feel the stars!

Can you too teach yourself-
That it is okay to let her do what she wants!
You (men) feel scared while you are all by yourself?
She does!
Can we all just create a world!
A world without fear?
Can we all, respect us!?
Respect whatever gender we are!
Respect the dignity,
Raise your voice and help,
When we see someone being tortured?

Well, if only the answer--

~Sanjeeta Hridayaninadini

Friday, August 16, 2019

Within her (Lost amidst laughter)

That soft ambience.
Some glitters, some lives.
Claps and laughter.
The warmth inside this room,
Though the world seems frozen!
Everyone is smiling.

She sees no sorrow in their eyes.
Probably, they too are good,
In veiling them.
She ponders.

Again claps the crowd 
And laughs every corner.
She tries floating with the waves.
Claps and fails.
Laughs and fails.
Barely an eye notices.

The roots are deep in her.
She has concealed,
Between the mocking walls.
She had spent-
Years of nights awake!
And as the dawn slides,
She pretends.
Pretends to be the shine.
While the dark engulfs her from within.
And the night appears!

When the silence of night whispers,
'You concealed it well today,
Just do it one more day again.'
And the days kept on being added.
Her smiles veil it well,
For the years gone.
And her stories remained,
Within her...

Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel 'Hridayaninadini'

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Within her (In the forest of many crowds)

In the forest of many crowds,
Lived a tiny girl. 
All of them, phoney. 
She never thought!
Some smiled sweet-
To poke that knife from behind!
And some pulled her down...
To rule and to raise their reign!
She was glad that she was just-
A spirit.
For, they could never kill her.
Or an inch of her being.
So she lived in that forest.
Underneath the concealed agony.

Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel "Hridayaninadini"

Saturday, July 13, 2019


Dragged to the old lane,
The string of kites.
An old unfinished story.
And through the babbling fights,
She stood dwindling-
The past was not painful-
But why it pricked,
Her bare feet in that old lane.

Her laughter rejoiced.
And so were her tears.
Amidst the mocking faces,
She preserved her silence.
It has always been there,
With her, within her.
Her shadow, her silence…
Searches no more home.
Feel her in her soliloquies,
As silent as her eyes…
None will know her.
None shall reach…
To her old unfinished story.
Through that lane-
Dusty and dark, yet loved.
Let her story remain abandoned.
For, she won’t be she,
She will laugh her soul out,
And cry till it rain!
Her eyes will be vibrant.
And will let go her silence…
Let the story remain unfinished…

She plucks out the thorn
And it bleeds...

Her bare feet!

Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel "Hridayaninadini"

Friday, May 3, 2019

I am a human!

I just realized-
I am a human now!
Bequeathed with the power!
From another human!

I mock aloud…
As someone falls down.
And extend no hands.
I feel proud of-
Being the supreme…
And chop everything-
The voiceless beings.
If not this one,
I know I can create a new machine!
At the end…
I am a human, indeed.

When I am brave enough-
To discard what comes on my plate!
For having a little salt and little taste!
I ignore them who starve to death…
To trash…
And I laughingly toss my cake!

For the sake of this beauty…
I tear up the skins of that beast.
Grind its bones to have a flawless skin.
To glimmer under the neon light!
I break those black wrists!
Yes, I am a human now!

I do a charity.
And nail my name.
On their leather, so charred!
Let my world shine-
And theirs’ ruin!
Who cares…
I am a human, now.
In an empire of the mighty plastic!

I climb up, stepping others down.
I find pleasure!
The misery of others’ as my clowns!
I care not if the world is on fire!
And my deeds engulf the nature!
I do care!
I care for something that concerns me!
I care for the colours-
And whom to hire!
I will pet someone’s freedom.
Shackle them.
Captivate them.
And break them!
“Aww” the world like me, shall be!

I rise when they fall!
I am a human after all!

Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel 'Hridayaninadini'

Picture credit: (the great split)

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Of the street and life

I seek a bard, deep in me!
While on my voyage in the street!
With no argosy, confront where I,
A thousand stories!
Limned on their face,
Thoughts as high as tides!
Some rough, some smooth,
Inhumed under their smiles,
Bestrewed pieces of life,
I walk, reading them all!

Blithe, a few are not…
A few fulgent in their glory,
Gloomy some, as their shadowy past!
And a few whited sepulchres
With their phoney chivalry!
And a few trysts that should never last!
I cherish, beholding them all!

Why I am happy?
Wondered never I,
When I am lost,
I find more of me!
Amidst these evanescent faces in the street…

Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel "Hridayaninadini"