Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Amidst their posts...
Of their indoor fitness tips,
Of the delicacies they prepared,
Of the old albums they treasured,
Of the foreign travels they made,
Also posted, they-
The agony they have!
For the stranded crowds!
The disinfected people!
Picked up the gauntlets...
With a few!
And with another few, they condoned,
The failure!
Kept their phones aside.
"Honey, you want it warm or chilled?"
Hashtagged 'reinventing myself'
Back there, somewhere on the road,
Walked their maids...
As hurriedly as they could!
Hanging their babies as lost as them!
To reach their homes,
Before the pain reached them!
After all, it's the same!
Stay at home!