Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Nilgiris

The blue of mystery and tempts! 
Smiled coyly-
The fume floated gently over her,
From the hearth of that hut…
Cascaded over the mountains-
The blue of mystery and tempts!
No less than a damsel…
Embellished with Anogeissus’s leaves,
And the wild lilacs,
The trails where no humans walked!
Innervated her skin…
Her voice- 
The wind over the tree!
The orchestra of chirps!
The splash of springs!
The roars of beasts…
The blue of mystery and tempts!
No less than a symphony…
Every dawn, she wakes up!
Her beauty as rural as it can be!
Behold her, when she is drenched-
The drops from Heaven!
Intoxicated many stories and rhymes-
The poet’s wonder!
…she never fails!
To spread her charms...
As the wind whispers through her.
How earthly she can be!
Oh, the Nilgiris…

Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel "Hridayaninadini"

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